Born From Above
This is the beginning of our 3 week series “Back to Life”, as we lean into the Easter season of 2022! As a church we have been on a pretty wild and challenging journey over the last 2 years and we believe that God is just getting started with us! So I want to encourage everyone who is walking alongside us as a church to really invest your hearts in who God is and what He is desiring for us and our community.
While as Christ-followers we should honestly and hopefully think of everyday as Easter because of how Jesus is constantly and consistently bringing us back to life through His Spirit, my hope for us is that during this Easter season specifically we can devote ourselves to pursuing Jesus passionately and loving our neighbors just as passionately! May we as the people of God look and speak and live in such a way that our neighbors experience the goodness of God through us and be brought back to life with the heart of God!