Service Times: 9:15 & 10:45 AM


Recurring Events

Sunday Mornings

10:45 AM Service

On Sunday mornings during the 10:45 service, we offer a time for students 6th through 12th grade to connect with each other and engage in a discussion-based bible study. It's a great, casual time of hanging out and exploring who God is and who we are in Him! We meet in the student area to the right of the worship center. All students are welcome to attend but are also still encouraged to attend worship with their parents or volunteer to serve somewhere else in the church if they wish!

Sundays at 5:30 - 7 :30PM

Students meet at 4200 for a time of playing games and hanging out and sharing a meal together to develop friendships with each other.  We have interactive worship with a student led band and students learn from Biblical based teaching and discussion what it means to follow Christ in today's world.
Email Jake to get connected to the group for your age or to sign up for student update texts if you aren't getting those.