“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” - Jesus
Jesus sends us to love and serve people here, there and everywhere. We host events and opportunities to do things in our church body, in our city of Centerfield and extending out into the world. We hope you’ll join us for one of our upcoming mission adventures listed for our whole church on our events page. Until then, celebrate with us some of our past events that we have really enjoyed!

Here: Alive Camp
Alive Camp is an event we host annually for kids age 4 through 8th grade. It is a “choose your own adventure” camp where kids can learn everything from cookie decorating to flag football. Each night of camp, we share about Jesus and His love for all the kids coming.

There: Centerfield Elementary “Readers Are Leaders”
Our participation in the “Readers Are Leaders” program has been a great ongoing connection to kids in our community. By partnering our team members to kids at Centerfield Elementary, we have developed great ongoing relationships each week with our neighbors just down the road.

Everywhere: Missioncation in Charleston, SC
Missioncation is one of our favorite experiences all year. We travel as families to Charleston, SC and partner with a church there to host a kids camp, work on construction projects and share Jesus with folks there young and old!