The Right Materials
1.) What are the idols in culture today that people worship? Why do people seek idols over God? What are the idols competing with God for the center of your heart? If we as Christ-followers know better than non-Christians, then why do we still struggle with this?
2.) Do we actually accomplish Romans 12: 2 and resist the current flow of culture and yet still be out in the culture and living the gospel outwardly and inwardly? How do we practically work on the renewal of our minds? Does it mean that we have to give up doing the things we love or stop working on improving ourselves or seeking financial stability?
3.) If someone today were to ask you to genuinely explain why you believe in Jesus, why you think He is real and alive and God, how would you do it? And if you are unsure about how to go about it, are you willing to put some effort into learning how to do it?