Service Times: 9:15 & 10:45 AM

Perseverance Over Perfection

Nov 15, 2020    Brandon Rose

Perseverance is the goal. Not perfection. Even Paul had not achieved this yet. And this is the guy who wrote most of the New Testament and almost single-handedly spread the gospel all across the world! But Paul presses on, progresses in his faith, advancing in his knowing of Jesus, He perseveres towards the goal, the goal of walking with God and slowly becoming more and more like Him! This perseveance isn’t about being perfect for God. It is about walking with Jesus’s perfection and allowing Him to approve of us and transform us. Jesus sets us free from having to be perfect!

Here are some questions to ponder this week:

1.) What are the “dogs” in your life forcing you to work for your value and worth and love in Jesus?

2.) Do you find confidence and contentment and love in knowing God? Why and how?

3.) What are your “goals” for your life? Do they line up with Jesus? If not, should they? Why?

Perseverance is tough. It is very difficult. But it is worth it. Because Jesus is worthy it. And so are you.

You are loved, Believe it!