Service Times: 9:15 & 10:45 AM

Ephesians 1:15-23

Sep 25, 2022    Brandon Rose

1.) “Power” ,(which is the same word used in Acts 1: 8 for power), is where we get our word for dynamite. It referes to capability or potential, as in the endless capability and limitless potential of the power of God. The Holy Spirit’s power and life in our lives is capable of limitless potential to overcome darkness and sin and love the world around us!

2.) “Working” refers to effective or operational power. This can mean that God’s power can and does work in and through our lives, broken or not, and through our circumstances, difficult or not. The Holy Spirit’s power and life will work effectively in and through our lives and circumstances, regardless of how difficult they may be!

3.) “Great” refers to power exercised in resistance and control. This means that God’s power and life is deliberate, purposeful, guiding, and precise. The power and life of the Holy Spirit inside us guides us, gives us specific purpose and direction, and can be used and acted through by us!

4.) “Might” refers to bodily or muscular strength or vital power. Living or life power. Which means that the living or life power of God, through the Holy Spirit, is what is living inside us, giving us life with we need strength to overcome hardship, giving us life when we feel empty or alone, giving us life to live with joy and purpose, and giving us life to share with others who need it!