Service Times: 9:15 & 10:45 AM

Battle in the Desert

Mar 7, 2021    Brandon Rose

Hello there friends!

Well it’s March and we are entering into Easter season so it’s time for a new series! One of the things that puzzles me about Easter is our treatment of it. We more or less devote four, five, six weeks or even two months to Christmas, depending on when you chose to start listening to Christmas music haha! But Easter, arguably the single most important event in all of creation, when the culmination of God’s great effort and sacrifice to save humanity from sin and death and bring us back to Him comes to fruition, more or less gets regulated to a weekend. To the cross and the tomb.

While the cross and the empty tomb are the end result of God’s plan and therefor cannot be understated in terms of importance to us, Easter is so much more than just the span of three days! There is so much to consider in light of what God was doing to redeem the world and bring us back to Him. In light of this, we are going to spend the next several weeks walking down “The Road To Easter”. We are going to step into and examine some of the most intimate, trying, and powerful events of Jesus’s life as He was walking towards the cross and our freedom! I truly believe there is so much to learn and gain from spending time with Jesus in this way, particularly in light of the past year and what is going on in the world around us. Join us on this journey and let’s sight our eyes and heart on the redemptive plan and sacrifice of the Son of God!