Service Times: 9:15 & 10:45 AM

Prisoners for the Lord: Daniel's Story

Apr 7, 2019    Brandon Rose

Daniel and his friends were to be given new identities (literally their names changed from names that honored God to names that honored the gods of Babylon) and put through a rigorous re-training process. Their talents and abilities given to them by God were to be put to use to learn the vast knowledge and language of Babylon, giving them PURPOSE. They were to eat food from the King’s table, granting them PLEASURE. And at the end of their education, they were to be present to the King and enter his service, giving them POWER. By giving them purpose, pleasure, and power, their identities would be effectively re-imaged from the image of God to the image of Babylon and their God-given talents and abilities would be used to build earthly kingdoms instead of God’s kingdom.

Join us Sundays at 9:30 and 11 AM for Worship!