Service Times: 9:15 & 10:45 AM

Father's Day 2023

Jun 18, 2023    Mike Arvin

To walk in step with the wicked would be to walk alongside the wicked. Think of it like passing by or encountering the wicked. (Disclaimer: Jesus called us to encounter the wicked. He called us to be in relation with sinners. But the difference here is that in order to do what jesus called us to do we need to first be in relationship with Jesus and actively seeking him. In Psalm 1:1 we are talking about the path of the wicked. Those who are not seeking Jesus.)

To stand in the way that sinners take would be signify a more intentional and deliberate engagement with the ways and practices of the wicked. It implies taking an active position or joining in with those who promote ungodliness. 

To Sit in the company of mockers suggests a deeper participation and influence. Sitting is a posture of settling down, remaining and dwelling. It signifies a comfortable and settled association with the wicked, potentially suggesting a sense of adopting their mindset and lifestyle.