Love Loud Local
The next Love Loud Local is September 23. Click [HERE]( to nominate a need.
Throughout history, and in our lives everyday, Jesus shows up in miraculous ways for people who are in all different situations and circumstances. Jesus invites us to join him in loving people into new hopes every day, but here at Phos, we want to make a very tangible effort to respond to his invitation together. On four half-day Saturdays in 2017 we're going to roll up our sleeves and get out in the local community and make a few miracles happen.
We're calling this 'Love Loud Local 2017.' Here are some ways that it could look. There could be a single mom working hard to make ends meet. She has a hole in her roof that she can’t afford to repair. What if we showed up and fixed that? Or how about an elderly shut-in with overflowing gutters because they have sat unattended since his wife passed away in a car crash? What if we showed up, cleaned them out, and re-attached them to his house? Don’t you believe that God would get the glory, that Jesus would be lifted up, and that we would get to experience the joy of participating in God’s mission to make it a little more like heaven down here?
Here’s how **YOU** can get involved:
Mark these dates on your family calendar and make plans to participate:
**February 25, April 29, September 23 and November 18**
Official start and end times for each day will be announced closer to date.
We need your help to identify worthy local people, places, organizations & projects for consideration.
We're hoping our projects will boost someone who lives near 4200 Centerfield Drive. So, try to think of people and projects that within an 8 minute drive of 4200 and those will get priority placement. It could be someone who is struggling from some sort of unplanned event and they just need a boost. We could even assist with a local non-profit that needs a little extra help. So, think of agencies who need some extra hands on one of these Saturdays. If you have connections with local non-profits then this could be a great way to help others at Phos know about what’s happening.
Click [HERE]( to nominate a need. We need the information as soon as possible so we can begin planning for our different work days.
We’d like to fully fund these Love Loud Local mission experiences and we estimate that we may need at least $10,000 to do so. Consider giving as strong as possible to Phos to help us Love Louder Locally! Click [HERE]( to give securely online.
**4. PRAY**
Pray that the Phos team shows up strong and that we have abundant resources to really bless people. Pray that we are sensitive to the Holy Spirit is serving those God is seeking to love.
Thanks in advance for doing all you can to help us love louder locally. It's going to be an amazing experience, let's roll up our sleeves.