Service Times: 9:15 & 10:45 AM

Hearing AND Doing

Jan 3, 2021    Brandon Rose

Hello there friends and Happy New Year!

We, the staff of Phos, love you all so much and truly hope you had a safe and wonderful Christmas holiday with your family and friends. We are so grateful for your all’s deep love for God, for each other, for us, and for your commitment to sharing Jesus with and serving the community. You all are a blessing and we are thankful to walk through life with you!

Goodness, this has been such a challenging year for not only us as a church but for the whole world. With the loss of loved ones, isolation due to the pandemic, and social/political/economic strife, the one big thing that the whole world probably asked Santa for was THE END OF 2020! I mean seriously, have any of us ever been so happy and excited for a new year??? So many people are looking forward to and longing for the new year because it means that the ridiculous mess that has been 2020 will finally be over. And 2021 will be much better, right? I mean, as bad as 2020 was, 2021 has to be better.

Guys, I so hope for your sake and mine that 2021 is going to be better. I hope that we can find some sense of normal, that life calms down, that people’s lives are no long in danger from the illness and that we can truly be together again. But the reality is we have no control over that. It might be better, goodness I hope it is! But it is very likely that this new year will be very much like 2020. So what do we do? We, the church, have to place our hope in something, in someone, that we are sure of. We have to hang our lives on the one thing in the universe that doesn’t change, that doesn’t disappoint us, that will always be there to guide and support us, regardless of good circumstances or bad. We have to lean into God, into His word, into what He has taught us and promised us about Himself and ourselves. And as we stand firmly on Jesus, we gain the stability of Him, not our ever changing circumstances, which allows us to reframe our perspective on our lives and truly react and respond in a way that helps others around us and bring peace and contentment in our own lives.

So over the course of the next several weeks we are going to dive deep into what God has taught us and promised us about Himself, our lives, and the world around us. Alright, let’s start out this new year and jump into Jesus!