The Promise Of Zero Condemnation!
I hope you all are doing good, amidst an incredibly difficult week for our nation. As a people, both in our community and all across the country, the need for us to lean into the the promises and love of God is more important and vital than ever!
We are in week 2 of our series, “Reframe: Focusing Our Lives On The Promises Of God”. Over the month of January, we will be looking at some the most profound and life-changing promises and teachings of God and how we can reframe our perspective on life by standing firm in and reacting through these promises. Last week, we talked about not only listening to God and His teachings, but how necessary it is for us to live out those teachings every day. This week we will dive deep into the incredibly life-altering promise and gift that there is ZERO CONDEMNATION for those who are in Christ Jesus!
Alright friends, let’s jump into this!