Service Times: 9:15 & 10:45 AM


May 21, 2023    Brandon Rose

1.) Why is it that we sometimes do what we do not want to do and do not do what we want or should do? Why is living by the flesh so appealing? Are we truly slaves to it or can we break free? How and why?

2.) What does living by the Spirit mean to you? What does it look like in your every day life? What is the goodness of God and how do we get the opportunity to experience it? What can the goodness of God do for you this week? What do you need His goodness to do for you this week?

3.) Is there some thing, some brokenness, some habitual sin, some nagging fleshly desire still fighting for control of your life? Would you share that with your small group, your friends, your family or would you not? Why? And if you will share it, how can we pray for you and come alongside you to help support you in your battle with it?