1.) When you think of the word “gentleness, what comes to mind? Is being gentle or humble good traits or bad traits? Why? Is it easy to be gentle or to have faith like a child? Why?
2.) How does God typically speak to you or reveal Himself to you? Is it loud and furious and powerful or is it more like a whisper? Why do you think people sometimes have a hard time hearing the voice of God? What keeps you from hearing Him clearly?
3.) If you knew and believed in your total being that God loves you and is for you and you are His workmanship, how would that make you feel? What would that enable you to do or how would it affect your life? How do we get to a place in oiur lives where do know truly how God feels about us?
4.) What does forgiveness require? How do we let go of our need for justice or vengeance or even “an eye for an eye” and forgive those who hurt us?